About Us



  • To keep the views in mind about value based education is essential for every students.

  • To activate academic excellence through a team of dedicated & qualified teachers.

  • To inculcate a deep sense of self-discipline among the students
  • To provide to the country, a fine generation enric hed in excellent qualities of character, a nationalistic  outlook and a contributing member of the society.

“To develop ALL ROUND PERSONALITY of students by making them not only excellent professionals but also good individuals with understanding and regard for human values, pride in their heritage and culture, a sense of right and  wrong, a  yearning  for  perfection  and a thirst for  knowledge.”

We  try  to  develop  a  rational and  scientific  outlook  on  life. We   strive  to  absorb   positive aspects   of    both  tradition   and modern· instead of seeing them as co ntradictio